Personal Health and Fitness

71 videos, 2 hours and 20 minutes

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Body Weight Movements

Video 20 of 71
3 min 6 sec
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Benefits of Body-Weighted Movements in Fitness

Introduction to Body-Weighted Movements

Body-weighted movements utilise the resistance of your own body weight to perform exercises.

Adaptability Based on Body Composition

Depending on your body composition:

  • Overweight or obese individuals may start with modified movements like squats, press-ups, walkouts, and lunges.
  • Progress or regress movements based on difficulty, such as knee press-ups for beginners or declined press-ups for advanced users.

Fitness Anywhere, Anytime

Body-weighted exercises are ideal for:

  • People with busy lifestyles or frequent travellers who can't access a gym regularly.
  • Effectively elevating heart rate, burning calories, and maintaining muscle tension anywhere in the world.

Building Strength and Progression

Mastering body-weighted exercises:

  • Prepares the body to handle additional resistance in future workouts.
  • Strengthens muscles and improves endurance by consistently challenging the body's capabilities.

Performing Body-Weighted Exercises at Home

Even in a home environment:

  • Utilise simple household items, like a chair for tricep dips, to enhance exercises.
  • Create a dedicated space in your garage or any room to perform these effective exercises.

Body-weighted movements are essential for conditioning the body and maintaining fitness levels, offering versatility and convenience for all fitness enthusiasts.