Personal Health and Fitness

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Importance of Core Exercises

Video 28 of 71
2 min 32 sec
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Importance of Core Strength: Guide and Tips

The Core: Foundation of Your Body

The core muscles are central to supporting and stabilising the body's movements.

Roles of Core Muscles

  • Central Support: Core muscles provide foundational support, keeping the body upright and stable.
  • Functional Responsibilities: Obliques aid in lateral movements, while upper and lower core muscles facilitate upper and lower body flexion.

Impact of Weak Core Muscles

A weak core can lead to increased strain on the lower back, contributing to lower back pain.

Importance for Posture

Strong core muscles help maintain good posture, reducing strain on the lower back during physical activities.

Developing Core Strength

Core muscles are often neglected but are crucial for overall body stability and injury prevention.

Engaging Core Muscles

To effectively engage core muscles, it's important to deactivate other muscles like the hip flexors.

Example: Leg Raise

During a leg raise, focus on using your lower core muscles to lift your legs rather than relying on the hip flexors. This controlled approach helps strengthen the core effectively.