Personal Health and Fitness

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Seven Factors of a Balanced Diet

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7 min 26 sec
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Essential Nutrients for a Balanced Diet

Importance of Carbohydrates

Energy Source: Carbohydrates should constitute about 50% of your diet. They provide essential energy for optimal performance.

Choose natural sources like potatoes or rice for sustained energy throughout the day.

The Role of Proteins

Building Blocks: Proteins are crucial for muscle repair and growth, especially after exercise-induced micro-tears.

Include meats like chicken or beef. For vegans, opt for protein-rich vegetables or consider amino acid supplementation.

Understanding Fats

Brain Function: Contrary to misconception, fats are essential for brain function and overall body performance.

Ensure a balanced plate with sources like fish for omega-3 fatty acids and protein.

The Vitality of Vitamins

Nutrient Powerhouses: Vitamins are essential for skin, hair, digestion, and overall health. Aim for a diverse range of colours on your plate to ensure variety in vitamins.

Benefits of Fibre

Supports Digestion: Fibre-rich vegetables aid digestion and help maintain gut health.

Importance of Minerals

Supports Growth: Minerals from foods like cheeses and milks contribute to skin health and overall bodily functions.

The Significance of Hydration

Body Function: Water is vital for over two-thirds of your body composition. It supports digestion, nutrient absorption, and brain function.

Stay hydrated throughout the day to maintain optimal bodily functions and overall health.