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Kettle bells

Video 38 of 71
2 min 18 sec
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Guide to Kettlebells: Types, Sizes, and Uses

Introduction to Kettlebells

Kettlebells come in various types and sizes, each serving different purposes in fitness routines.

1. Generic Plastic Weighted Kettlebells

These kettlebells vary in size and weight, catering to different fitness levels:

  • Range of Sizes: Available from small to larger sizes as weight increases.
  • Personal Preference: Users often choose these for their versatility and varied weights.

2. Competition Kettlebells

Designed for consistency in size with increasing weight:

  • Consistent Size: The kettlebell size remains the same as weight increases.
  • Components: Includes the body (bell) and the handle (horns), crucial for grip and performance.

Weight progression in competition kettlebells:

  • Weight Identification: Colour-coded, where yellow typically represents a 16-kilo weight.
  • Incremental Weight Increase: Typically increases in 2-kilo increments, facilitating gradual progression in workouts.

Choosing the Right Kettlebell

Consider the weight and size differences when selecting a kettlebell:

  • Impact on Movements: The size and weight affect the range and difficulty of exercises.
  • Handling Differences: Larger kettlebells may be more challenging to manoeuvre due to their size.

Whether using generic plastic or competition kettlebells, ensure the weight aligns with your fitness goals for optimal performance.