Personal Health and Fitness

71 videos, 2 hours and 20 minutes

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Exercise safety

Video 14 of 71
2 min 23 sec
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Exercise Safety Tips: Stay Safe During Workouts

Outdoor Exercise Safety

Outdoor Hazards: Consider safety factors specific to outdoor exercise.

  • Running at night or in low light conditions requires high-visibility clothing, a running light, and a head torch to remain visible to others.
  • Be mindful of traffic and uneven terrain to avoid accidents.

Indoor Exercise Safety

Indoor Environment: Stay safe while exercising indoors.

  • Regulate temperature to avoid extremes that can affect performance and health.
  • Ensure gym floors are clear of trip hazards such as weights; store unused equipment properly.

Managing Sweat

Sweat Management: Prevent accidents due to sweat during intense workouts.

  • After intense exercise, especially in activities like spinning or cycling, clean up any sweat on shiny surfaces promptly to prevent slip hazards.
  • Use a dry towel and disinfectant spray to maintain cleanliness.