Lower Body Weight Resistance - Forward Lunge
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Forward Lunge: Technique and Variations
Understanding the Forward Lunge
The forward lunge is a lower body weighted resistance exercise that isolates one leg at a time.
Proper Execution of the Forward Lunge
- Foot Position: Maintain shoulder-width alignment throughout the movement.
- Knee Placement: Ensure the front knee stays behind the front toe during full extension.
- Surface Consideration: Use a soft mat to cushion the knee if needed, avoiding discomfort.
- Posture: Keep a neutral eye line, relaxed shoulders, and maintain a proud chest with a straight back.
Following these principles ensures proper form and reduces the risk of injury during the forward lunge.
Variations to Adjust Difficulty
Modify the intensity of the forward lunge based on your fitness level:
- Increasing Difficulty: Raise the front foot to deepen the range of motion for the back knee, intensifying muscle engagement.
- Decreasing Difficulty: Step out with control, reducing the depth of the lunge initially, and gradually increase as strength improves.
Adjusting these factors allows for progression in strength and flexibility over time.