Personal Health and Fitness

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Resistance bands - lower body

Video 33 of 71
2 min 34 sec
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Resistance Band Exercises for Lower Body

Introduction to Resistance Band Movements

Explore effective lower body exercises using resistance bands to enhance strength and flexibility.

Box Squat with Resistance Band

Perform a squat variation using a resistance band looped under your feet:

  • Setup: Anchor the band under your feet as if preparing for a weighted squat.
  • Position: Stand with chest out and back straight, gripping the band handles as if holding a barbell.
  • Execution: Lower your body to a 90-degree angle, keeping weight on heels and maintaining proud chest.
  • Resistance: Fight against the band's pull during descent and tension as you push back to upright position.
  • Variation: Double the band for increased resistance by folding it over, intensifying the exercise.

Glute Kick Back with Resistance Band

Focus on engaging glutes with this straightforward exercise:

  • Execution: Loop the band around the heel of your right leg.
  • Movement: Extend the leg backwards to activate the glutes, controlling the return to engage hip flexors.
  • Benefits: Enhances gluteal strength and flexibility through controlled movements.