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Inclined Press

Video 22 of 71
1 min 17 sec
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Inclined Press Exercise: Upper Body Strength and Technique

Understanding the Inclined Press

The inclined press is a variation where the hips are elevated above the shoulders, shifting more weight over the body. This exercise primarily targets the upper chest and deltoids.

  • Positioning: Hips are elevated, creating an inverted position with straight legs and slightly flexed hamstrings to reduce strain.
  • Muscle Engagement: Focuses on the upper chest and anterior deltoids (front shoulder muscles) during descent and utilizes triceps during extension.

Execution of the Inclined Press

Perform the inclined press with precision:

  • Lower the body towards the ground in a controlled manner, maintaining tension on the upper chest and deltoids.
  • Return to the starting position with emphasis on engaging the triceps for the extension phase.

This exercise enhances upper body strength and muscular endurance, promoting balanced development across the chest, shoulders, and arms.