Personal Health and Fitness

71 videos, 2 hours and 20 minutes

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Gender specific body composition

Video 9 of 71
1 min 42 sec
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Understanding Body Fat Distribution and Caloric Balance

Differences in Fat Distribution Between Males and Females

Body Fat Storage: Males and females tend to store fat differently due to anatomical variations.

  • Males: Fat tends to accumulate around the abdomen (waist).
  • Females: Fat tends to accumulate around the hips, arms, and thighs.

Creating a Calorie Deficit for Weight Management

Understanding caloric needs and distribution:

  • Every individual has a minimum caloric requirement necessary for bodily functions.
  • Excess calories beyond this requirement are stored as fat.

To change body composition:

  • Focus on controlling caloric intake to meet minimum requirements.
  • Introduce a calorie deficit through an active lifestyle.
  • Simple activities like daily walking can elevate heart rate and burn additional calories.

By managing caloric intake and maintaining an active lifestyle, you can effectively control body fat distribution over time.