Personal Health and Fitness

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Kettle bell swing

Video 40 of 71
1 min 4 sec
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Kettlebell Swing: Technique and Benefits

Mastering the Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing is a fundamental exercise for kettlebell users, focusing on full-body engagement and dynamic movement.

  • Proper Setup: Ensure a stable stance with heels dug in, toes forward, knees aligned with toes, and maintain a straight back with chest out.
  • Execution: Start by reaching down for the kettlebell and swing it forwards. As you lift your shoulders and swing the kettlebell between your legs, initiate the movement to swing it up to the 3 o'clock position.
  • Activation: Use your glutes to thrust your hips forward, allowing the kettlebell to swing naturally to the 3 o'clock position in front of your body.

This exercise effectively engages multiple muscle groups, including the glutes and core, promoting strength, power, and cardiovascular fitness.